Speakers Corner QC?

We just finished opening and playing nine new Speakers Corner records.

- all nine came out of the sleeve covered with more dust than any record should see in its whole lifetime

- three or four were covered with loose vinyl shavings, one sliver is over 1" long

- three have chunks of unmelted vinyl(?) stuck to the grooves, two sound loudly and the third actually skips!

- one has a 4mm long scratch, very audible

The dealer is replacing the bad ones but it's a pain in the neck and I have to pay to mail them back. We've bought nearly a hundred Classic Records reissues and none of them had these problems. Is this normal for Speakers Corner?

I agree about MD's customer service. They've been good, it's just a pain. Of the nine I bought they're replacing the four that need to be:
- Decca 6113/Mahler #1/Solti/LSO
- Decca 325-2/Mahler#2/Solti/LSO
- Decca 385-2/Mahler #3/Solti/LSO
- Decca 6026/Bartok/Divertimento for Strings, Vivaldi/two cto's

Must be an anti-Mahler conspiracy. These recordings and pressings are excellent BTW, and Solti does Mahler really well. His #1 is definitive, IMO of course, and it's great to have such a fine recording available. We only listened to #3 last night. I'm still getting my head around it, but during the final movement I all but had a vision of Dante's Beatrice. Sublime music, sublimely played.

I strongly recommend any of these records, but play/check them carefully for flaws.
I have no conspiracy theory here about Music Direct or anybody else. Just looking for an explanation, as I've heard nothing but good comments here & on Asylum about Speakers Corner LPs. Hoping to get some myself.

Rats! I dragged my cloak and dagger down from the attic last night, just hoping for some excitement.

The Speakers Corner/Decca reissues are indeed magnificent. (Can't say the same about their DGG reissue of Verdi's 'Requiem', lousy recording I think.) Don't be shy about trying them.
Doug, don't blame Speakers Corner for what DG did at the recording stage! I have had no real problems with any of the 30-40 Speakers Corner LPs I've bought; sounds like bad luck on your part.