Levinson 360s + Sony 9000ES ?

Recently I had achance to a-b 360s and the 9000ES under different conditions. The 360s using Transparent's Ultra xl
and the Sony using Reference xl V which I know is used for tubes output stages. This is the only cable I could get my hands on for this test. Is it me or I can't believe my Sony
9000es was better than the 360s under the conditions I descrbed. My questions Is would I be better off upgrading my interconnects coming out of my Sony 9000ES or keep
the 360s and upgrade at a future date the interconnects?
Hi: you are the second person who makes similar claim (I presume you compared CD-to-CD). If you sure that its not mistake ( I had Sony 777es and 9000es and prefered 9000es - my personal choice) then sell your 360. Don't change your interconnects with which you have, clearly, synergy. I felt 9000es has very poor hi-freq signals compared to the rest of spectra. Addition of triphazer (www.triphazer.com) level 15.5 (not 15.0!) improved my system (with 9000es) performance dramatically, to say it modestly.
Hello, It is very hard to beleive that the sony is better It had to be the conditions you stated. If the sony did sound better then Levinson would probablly go under. You need to try both peices and use the same equipment through out including the wires.
Check out last weeks thread titled "Is there an SACD that plays CD's well"?
Don't stop after one or two posts, you must read at least as far as Albert Porter's post, where he tested the Levinson against the Sony. He gave a very helpful review with important insight into SACD.