What reviews do you trust if any?

With all the reviews and reviewers out there saying positive things about the latest 'gee whiz' audio item, do you find any of them to be reliable?
How many grains of salt do you need to take with the reviews?
hi sarcher30:

your statement is axiomatic.

what do you do if a component of interest is unavailable. that is, there is no source from which one can "borrow" it ?
Hi Mrtennis, If it's something you really want to try you just have to take your chances. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you get burned. Such is life.

Reviews are useful for finding out about new products to check out and hopefully give you a clue about their performance in the reviewers system. They could and probably will perform differently in your system depending on many variables.
All reviews follow their own "logic"

The product is compared to a similar one which is MUCH more expensive and that one is better but you have to pay much more for that tiny improvement
the product is compared to a cheaper one and it is much better than that (of course, that is the reason why you have to pay more to get that "level").
You will hardly find a review where a product is compared to a cheaper one and that cheaper unit is much better.
No one compares the new product to the model before (the newer one is always better because it is more advanced and the "old" is dead anyway)....

Any product will get the same level of "enthusiasm", no one is interested to kick someone out of business. At the end, for most, "Taste" is important and it is the way a well know "reviewer" once said "I've never met a product I didn't like..."