I need audition advice

I'm looking for MM or high output MC cartridges to audition in the sub-kilobuck range. Preferably around $700. I'm thinking I'll use it on a vpi table, so it must track well in a unipivot tonearm. My list so far is quite short--

1) Clearaudio virtuoso wood

2) Sumiko Blackbird

3) Sumiko Blue Point special (hey, if I like it enough to live with it it's much cheaper than the blackbird)

4) The Grado Master (the high output version.)

Does anyone else have a favorite, or comments on the ones I've already decided to audition?
Thanks, Ed. You mention a quality that's very important to me--balance. Like everybody else, I'm always looking for the sound I don't hear, if that makes sense. For example, I grew up listening o Vanderstens, and as a result, I really can't analize them. They just sound like music to me. Now, if I could find a cartridge that did the same things for me, I'd be set.
I'd personally be very grateful if you bought a Blackbird, which is practically guaranteed to be great, as no one seems to know anything about it beyond what Fremer wrote! Add to our knowledge and write a review! You'd be the first on the block! I'm selfish, I know.

But I've thrown this one out before, and I'll do so again: the Shure V15MRx is a very underrated cartridge which excels at bass, timing, and correct tonality. It plays music, blessed music. There is also the Denon DL-103, which many also swear by, and which seems to have a magical side to it. Just throwing alternatives out there.
You're Welcome Dennis. I don't know what actual VPI you are presently using, but in general, VPIs can tend to sound in the "warmer" category. Cartridge selection is a synergy selection process. Rule of thumb? Warm + warm = warmer = coloration. I prefer neutral. Neutral = balanced.

I had mentioned price point initially because I have found that my successful cartridge selections generally tend to run in the lower ranges of my allotted budget. The Clearaudio Aurum Beta S Mk.II I am now using, costs less than other cartridges I also own. But to me, is the clear sonic winner. Female voice and acoustic jazz sound so real, it's scary. The Virtuoso wood once again, starts to lean towards the "warm" direction. But I'm not sure if that is the characteristic of the cartridge, or the cartridge plus the VPI.

I also own the original Aurum Beta. Clearaudio seems to have addressed and refined every fallshort of the original Aurum with the new "S" version. It also happens to work extremely well in conjunction with my VPI.

Once again, proof that "costlier" does not neccesarilly represent "better"....... To my ears.

I have arum beta S and VPIscout and am very happy with full rich,detailed sound
How about a Decca London. Be brave - get a a good one, say a new Super Gold and you might ne in heaven