Cocktail of choice when listening to fav music?

Do you have a cocktail preference when listening to your favorite music on your sytem? Are you a sipper or not?
Any good beer, usually Bohemia or French/Belgian/German beer. And on the rarest of occasions when I can find it some Goldstar or Maccabee from Israel.
Twl, I just got up after falling over in my chair and nearly rolling into one speaker (sudden dynamics pushed me away from danger): '82 Cheval Blanc (!!!), 40 yr old Margaux...!
Those are worth more than my system!
Why do you live so far away -- life's unjust!

I'll return to my lowly Lagavulin -- a shot of which is about as much as a poor middle-european can afford nowadays. Or a Plzen (pronounced pilsen) beer... Clink!

p.s. Natalie; ok for the Mchristo. I agree with the Oban as digestif, but why chill it??
Although I only perused parts of list, there were a lot of my favorites. Being here in Vermont not that far from Canada, there is a Molson Brador you can pick up over the border that is quite nice.
Gah! I am thoroughly disgusted. How come so many a'philes seem to mess up good single malt whisky by *gak* chilling it? Cold kills the tastebuds. If you really want to taste it, keep it room temperature--otherwise you might as well drink blended. Although water is a bit more controversial, I tend to use it only when drinking cask strength whisky, 'cos otherwise its too hot.

While I seem to always have some Macallan on hand, I like some variety; recently its been Abelour A'bunadh, Springbank, and Glendronach. Unfortunately, my last bottle of cask strength 32 yo Springbank has now run dry...
My favorite is still the gin martini and here's a way to mix a good one that eliminates the mess and "watering down" effect of using ice. Keep a bottle of your fave gin in the freezer (Beefeater or Bombay Sapphire recommended) and a bottle of dry vermouth in the fridge (M&R recommended). Pour three fingers (or so!) of the now thickened spirit in the tini glass and then wave the open end of the vermouth bottle over the top. Place in an olive or three. As soon as the gin settles and loses its “thickness”, a very thin layer of frost will form on the outside of the glass.....enjoy with your favorite tunes. But, after your second, restrict yourself to playing CD's so as not to inadvertently ruin that precious vinyl!

Oh, and while burning a Cuban may be in favor with some, I would heed the words of the velvet rope tender from the old Saturday Night Live shows..."Take it outside, take it outside". :-)