CD recorder advice sought

I've read all the threads on this topic, but I am seeking fresh, current input. I want to get a CD recorder primarily to make compilations. I understand the tradeoffs between pro and consumer decks, but would prefer not to spend what it takes to get a pro model. Dual bay would be a plus but not a requirement. I want sound quality, reliability, and ease of use. Any recommendations? Thanks. --Dan
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Well, if you've read all the threads on this topic, you've read my opinion(s). I have a Pioneer W739 (now 839), and everthing I've said about it is still true. It has all the features you want and is now available for $400. or less. Maybe not "fresh", but I'll stand by my assessment(s) of this CD recorder. Good Luck. Craig
Thanks Craig. I certainly took your earlier comments and our email exhange seriously. Just thopught I'd fish for any new opinions tha tmight be floating about.

One thing, though. At first I thought I would use my CDP as transport to feed digital to the recorder, so I wouldn't need a dual bay recorder (let alone the 3 CD input bay on your Pioneer). But then I started thinking that it might be much simpler to have the dual-bay arrangement. Then I wouldn't have to switch the coax from my DAC to the recorder every time I want to use it. Any thoughts on that?
Drubin: I have the Pioneer PDR-839 which is avaailable NIB for around $325 from a DJ equipment website (they also sell on Ebay). I updated the power cord (Absolute) by adding a Harmonic Tech IEC adapter (purchased from Scott "Disco") and the playback improved considerably for a $90 investment. Digital to digital copies are very good (I cannot detect a difference between the copy and the original) and I will soon be making copies of old analog tape in order to preserve this music. I have not tried it as a transport since it has been broken in, so cannot comment on this. My godson makes compilations on it and says that it is a snap, but I have yet to master this procedure.
Are you using the AES/EBU output on your dac? If so connect to the single ended output for recording. I to use a pioneer burner PDR509 works great.