Songs that you just have to sing

It occurred to me the other day as I was driving to work that I cannot help but to sing certain songs as I hear them on the radio - especially the one word songs like Tequila! You know, hum hum hum hum, hum hum hum hum, Tequila! I just have to sing it, even if I were sitting in church and heard in ever-so-faintly from some teenager's car's radio in the parking lot on a hot summer day. I'd still sing it!

There are others as well - Puff the Magic Dragon, for instance - you can't hear it without joining in verbally.

Of course Springsteen's "Born to Run" - I remember the college parties. Eeven the girls who didn't know the words would mumble inaduibly until the chorus kicked in, and then would loudly scream, "Baby, I was born to run - yes girl, to run!!!" Then they started to mumble again...

Another list. This time, it' sing-along songs.
"Lively Up Yourself" Bob/Wailers. Not only a must-sing, but a must-dance, too.
"There's a bathroom on the right."

Anytime CCR's "Bad Moon Rising" plays on my car radio while driving, I point out restrooms with my right arm while I sing this botched version of the refrain.
I just thought of another one - "Horse With No Name" by America, and perhaps my imagination is slightly overactive this morning, but I think this would make a great theme song for a sequal to "Castaway" starring Tom Hanks.

Put Mr. Hanks in a desert this time (it could be another FedEx plane crash, but it might be better if it was a UPS misdelivery of a preamp that one of us might be waiting for at this very moment). Anyway, he's seen wandering about, dripping in sweat with severely damaged skin and parched lips, and he stumbles ascoss a construction horse (like the ones you see on I-95 with the blinking yellow lights). Of course, he would call his horse "Acme" (or whatever company name appears next to the 800 number on the face plate where it says "Call this number in case of an emergency!). He could call the number on his cell phone, but that would spoil all of the fun. I'd much prefer to see good ole Tom Hanks doze off for a couple of hours while a sandstorm blew in and completely engulfed his horse named Acme (but wait, then the horse would have a name, wouldn't it?) Anyway, the next scene would would be PRICELESS as he desperately digs through mounds and mounds of sand screaming "ACME!! ACME!! Oh, dear God no, ACME! (Boo hoo)... AC-MEEEEE"

But alas, the sattelite dish shifts and his cell phone call suddenly gets through to Brutus at Acme Construction, and good ole Tom Hanks returns home a as hero. It wouldn't really make sense for him to die, would it? Then there would be no Academy Award because it would be too realistic!

Imagine the advertising dollars this could draw from all of the sunscreen manufacturers?

That being said, I still can't help but to sing "Horse With No Name" every time I hear it...