Xindak FA-Gold or PureNote Cerulean

I have an all SE triode system ,Audio Note DAC 3 sig(6DJ8's)/Presence pre(6DJ8's)/Wavelength Twins (6SN7's driving 2 300B's in parallel) and have been happy with Transparent Ultra for 8 years. I have always wanted to experiment with silver IC's and speaker cable. Now these two companies , along with some others , seem to be pushing the manufacturing technolgy envelope . Has anyone listened to either of these cables? Are there others I should be auditioning ? Thanks.
Chris Foley
I second the Ridge Street , its been a long road to sonic nirvana and The Ridge Street has certainly played an integral part in my own realization of that dream.
I have to also agree with the Ridge Street suggestion. To me they just seem to let the music flow naturaly with great balance and with less effort.Just sound right!
Pure Note Ceruleans are nirvana on my tenor amps. The build quality also compares to cables worth thousands more.