Elizabeth I'll drive down and pick them up, but I'm afraid you'll outlive me. FWIW there is an LP sale in Appleton this weekend. All LPs $1.00, I'm not usre if that's worth the ride for you. I'd like to hit one of those sales at State Fair Park, but I never know when they hold them.
I have about 1400 LPs and still buying. There are some that need to be tossed for quality reasons and other I should probably move because I don't listen to them. It's hard to get rid of things because who knows what I will want to listen to in the next hour, much less in the next five years!
Some things that used to get lots of play time don't get much anymore, other I didn't listen to at all, now I play regularly. You just never know how tastes will change.
So yes, oh wait, no... um what was the question again???