Best SACD/CD player I can get for $5k new or used

I have recently moved up the Audio Food Chain. My set up now consists of a Classe Omega Pre, a Classe Omicron Amp, Ascendo System E speakers, Acoustic Zen Krakatoa on the Pre amp, and the original JPS cables on the amp. I have sold my XA777ES and am looking to get the most out of the above gear. Also I live in an old NYC building any recommendations to solve crappy AC?

Thanks, All advice is appreciated
Since I upgraded to a Superclock II in my Marantz SA-1, I am thrilled with the improvements! Far better build quality inside compared to my previous Sony SCD-1.
See them on sale here for around $2800-3000, a steal!
I have the SA-1 plugged into an Audio Magic Digital Stealth which great results. Power cords are the Virtual Dynamics NITE and the BMC SHARK.
As far as build quality goes, they don't get any better than the SCD-1(inside or out).Gary
A used Audio Aero capitole MKII with the latest P3 chip will be the most musical component you'll ever buy.
Trust me, I have one and am very glad I spent the money on a soon-to-be classic.
There are no more reliability problems and it plays MUSIC!
It is so ahead of the pack that it reminds me of the Marantz 10B tuner and Marantz 9 amplifiers of yore. They were excellent then and still sound better than most current stuff after 40 years.