
I never own a Digital/Analog Converter before so this is my first time shopping for one. This weekend I was looking at couple of Audio Shop for a DAC and came across 2 used DAC that i like. Classe DAC-1 and MSB Gold Link III. Both unit are selling for $995.00. I need some suggestion and help. I thought about getting a DAC then a SACD player because the isn't much titles that i am interest in listen.

My current system
Denon DCD-S10 II CD Player
Denon POA-S10 Mono Power Amplifier
Denon PRA-S10 Stereo Preamplifier
Proac Response 1.5
Stealth Varidig AES/EBU
Kimber Monocle XL
The Classe DAC-1 is one of the best converters available. For $995, do not let it slip away!!!!!!
In my experience, the regular MSB Link DAC which has been modified by Stan Warren cannot be sonically touced by anything close to $2500, let alone $1000. The great part is that the total cost with mods is less than $700.00. There are quite a few audiophiles that have $25k+ systems that use Stan's modified units for their digital front end. I will say though that if I was to consider an "unmodified" D/A, the Classe would be at the top of my short list (all MSBs really need to be modified to show their true sonic potential)
EVS Millenium II - a jaw dropping experience at $1050
Ric Shultz used to do major upgrades on MSB equipment untill he starting building his own dacs


see reviews here and at audioasylum and audioreview