
I never own a Digital/Analog Converter before so this is my first time shopping for one. This weekend I was looking at couple of Audio Shop for a DAC and came across 2 used DAC that i like. Classe DAC-1 and MSB Gold Link III. Both unit are selling for $995.00. I need some suggestion and help. I thought about getting a DAC then a SACD player because the isn't much titles that i am interest in listen.

My current system
Denon DCD-S10 II CD Player
Denon POA-S10 Mono Power Amplifier
Denon PRA-S10 Stereo Preamplifier
Proac Response 1.5
Stealth Varidig AES/EBU
Kimber Monocle XL
The Classe DAC-1 is one of the best converters available. For $995, do not let it slip away!!!!!!
In my experience, the regular MSB Link DAC which has been modified by Stan Warren cannot be sonically touced by anything close to $2500, let alone $1000. The great part is that the total cost with mods is less than $700.00. There are quite a few audiophiles that have $25k+ systems that use Stan's modified units for their digital front end. I will say though that if I was to consider an "unmodified" D/A, the Classe would be at the top of my short list (all MSBs really need to be modified to show their true sonic potential)
EVS Millenium II - a jaw dropping experience at $1050
Ric Shultz used to do major upgrades on MSB equipment untill he starting building his own dacs


see reviews here and at audioasylum and audioreview
The Classe DAC-1 retaled for 4500.00, it is one of the most versatile and best sounding DAC available. It uses the UltraAnalog chip which is one of the best sounding chips available. It also has HDCD.I bought one new when they first came out with their transport and haven't had any problems at all. The built quality is excellent. I use it with the transport, DAT player and my CD Recorder. It is a steal at 995.00. Good luck.