Burning question regarding upgrading paths

Thanks visiting my thread!

While you are here, please ponder on the following queries and answer to the best of your abilities. Each of these questions is designed to upgrade my state of mind. You ability is timed and will be weighted against the answers given by people who are the same age as you.

1) What is the best way to upgrade existing system "A"?
(upgrade=more clarity, dynamics and better soundstage)
(you only have $2000 to allocate)

A= Cal Audio Delta-AQ Emeralds
Meridian 518-Mapleshade ultrathin
Cal Audio Sigma-AQ Emeralds
Aragon 8002-AQ Argent/Midnight double biwire
KEF 103/4
LAT International on all electronic components

A) Upgrade DAC
A dac with tube output is prefered.
B) Purchase preamp
A tube preamp is prefered.
C) Upgrade cable between amp and speaker
Silver cable is prefered.
D) Digital cable
Make me a believer.
E) None of the above
Sell system A and start over
F) I don't care.

2) What is the fundamental utilitarian purpose of Zen Buddhism for the self and for the masses?

A) By fulfilling nature, man is fulfilled.
B) By acceptance of thought, man becomes congruent.
C) By meditating, man negates yin and yan from consciousness.
D) Meditation is good cardiovascular exercise.
E) Zen is derived from aryan caste systems designed to enslave the masses.
F) None of the above. (prove short essay answer?)

Stop, your test is finished.

Thanks for helping me sleep easier,

I wasn't bashing your system at all

Just suggesting that the EVS upgrade will blow your mind,
I did the same thing from Cal and Cal is heads and shoulders above most of the rest.

The EVS ugly. If you are looking at the website that picture is very deceptive. It actually is a very nice looking piece and smaller than I expected it to be, the brushed metal has a nice look to it not captured on the website. As for tweaks, I don't do many myself either, I just enjoy the music

Hey Tom,

I didn't think you were bashing my system at all. In fact, I think the your suggestion of the EVS is a practical step up since the EVS isn't expensive and suits my system's configuration to a T. If there is any reason for me sounding as if I was being abashed, it was because I felt people misinterpreted the context of my Zen quiz.

In my previous post, I was merely sharing my opinion of the tweakaudio site, not the actual component itself since I never had the pleasure of auditioning one (nor has anyone before they purchased it, I assume.)

BTW, the tweakaudio site explains the EVS uses mosfet output stage instead of op-amps. Since mosfets are used in amps and preamps, mosfets must provide a higher current than op-amps(I don't know what I am talkin about but read along,)and this will allow the amp to receive a stronger signal. So the sound coming out of the amp should have more dynamic range and gobs more bass compared to sound coming out of the amp when a op-amp is feeding it.

yes the EVS does fit your system to a t
just like it did mine

I'm pleasantly rediscovering many of the 800 plus cd's I own, some I thought were duds are now quite engaging

I think the Millenium II has upgraded the output stages
from an earlier cost constrained version on the Mill I

The piece looks nice, I was pleasantly surprised
Hell I'd still never part with it even if it was hideous looking.

Mes, in your response to question #2 [MU], are you making a reference to the Japanese concept of emptiness? If so, I will try to expand on that suggestion.

Viggen, I think a viable path for you to take is the way of the Shugyosha. This would allow you to seek enlightenment for both of your questions while on a single journey.

Roughly 300-500 years ago in feudal Japan people from various backgrounds would embark on spiritual treks with the goal of finding the state of "emptiness" or "mu". Priests, swordsmen, caligraphers, tea masters, etc. followed this path. Many warriors would roam the land, training themselves and engaging in all manners of duels. The famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi participated in over 60 duels from the age of 13 to 29 and never lost. It wasn't until he was in his mid-50s did he think he had become enlightened in the way of the sword.

Therefore, my answers would be 1) E, and 2) F.

As many Shugyo have done in the past, and even as the great Buddha himself did... Viggen, I feel you should cast aside your current music system and all your conceptions of the ideal setup, then wander the world listening and enjoying music in as many hifi salons as you can. When you feel it would advance you to a higher state, you should challenge the masters of appropriate stereo shops to aural duels to the death.

Only after facing death and emerging victorious many times will you be able to enter aural combat unfettered and in the state of MU. Without fear, anger, hate, or a preconception of the outcome is the realm of emptiness. Then one day you will find YOUR way, YOUR ideal music system, and you will know it without doubt.

Just make sure you don't go over board like Musashi and bath on occasion. Bopping around in feudal Japan smelling like a rancid goat may have been OK, but this is the 21st century and hifi dealers may not allow you to enter their audio temples if you haven't bathed in a few years.

For those who wish to learn more about these deranged hybrid concepts, I would suggest reading Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings [Go Rin No Sho] simultaneously with the works of Arthur Salvatore the Audio Critique.