Hey Tom,
I didn't think you were bashing my system at all. In fact, I think the your suggestion of the EVS is a practical step up since the EVS isn't expensive and suits my system's configuration to a T. If there is any reason for me sounding as if I was being abashed, it was because I felt people misinterpreted the context of my Zen quiz.
In my previous post, I was merely sharing my opinion of the tweakaudio site, not the actual component itself since I never had the pleasure of auditioning one (nor has anyone before they purchased it, I assume.)
BTW, the tweakaudio site explains the EVS uses mosfet output stage instead of op-amps. Since mosfets are used in amps and preamps, mosfets must provide a higher current than op-amps(I don't know what I am talkin about but read along,)and this will allow the amp to receive a stronger signal. So the sound coming out of the amp should have more dynamic range and gobs more bass compared to sound coming out of the amp when a op-amp is feeding it.
I didn't think you were bashing my system at all. In fact, I think the your suggestion of the EVS is a practical step up since the EVS isn't expensive and suits my system's configuration to a T. If there is any reason for me sounding as if I was being abashed, it was because I felt people misinterpreted the context of my Zen quiz.
In my previous post, I was merely sharing my opinion of the tweakaudio site, not the actual component itself since I never had the pleasure of auditioning one (nor has anyone before they purchased it, I assume.)
BTW, the tweakaudio site explains the EVS uses mosfet output stage instead of op-amps. Since mosfets are used in amps and preamps, mosfets must provide a higher current than op-amps(I don't know what I am talkin about but read along,)and this will allow the amp to receive a stronger signal. So the sound coming out of the amp should have more dynamic range and gobs more bass compared to sound coming out of the amp when a op-amp is feeding it.