Why does my MSB DAC III click?

I just hooked my new MSB DAC III to my Cambridge D-500 SE
CD player, and everytime the CD player switches tracks,
the DAC clicks! I switched to my Sony DVD player and it
does the same thing. It seems to be searching for the signal. I contacted MSB, but was wondering if anyone has
run into the same thing.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
This is not uncommon with some DAC's and seems to occur most frequency with units that are 24/96 capable. While some transports / CD Players output a digital signal at all times, others are switched off and on as a signal becomes present. Those that are "off" when there is no signal present cause the DAC to "shut off" and then you hear it "click" back on when the music starts playing.

I too found it annoying to say the least on some of my other DAC's. Contacting the manufacturer will typically get you some simply directions as to how to disable a section of circuitry. This is normally done by lifting or cutting the leg of a transistor, etc... No brain surgery required so long as each part is plainly labeled on the board. Sean
Just a guess, but I bet that both your CD and DVD player drop the SPDIF signal during the track search, and the MSB is muting its output in response.
Could it be timing errors? I had a ton of clicks and pops with a digital lens. It took trying a few different digital cables before this problem went away.
I had the same problem with the Link DAC III when I installed the upsampling chip. I sent it back to the manufacturer and they fixed it. That was over a year ago and it has been fine since. Rob.