Is my dealer lying to me?

This past weekend I went to listen to some speakers. I've been planning to buy CD player also, but that was not this weekend's purpose.

At first we were using a YMB player, McCormick amp, and Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. The speakers is what I was auditioning.

The CD player he is trying to sell me is the Cambridge Audio D500ES, I beleive. Price:400

Big difference I know between the YMB ($2500)and the Cambridge ($400). But it wasn't $2100 in difference in sound I can tell you that. What concerns me is the difference between his comments and the perceived opinions of people on this board. In other threads, there are quite a bit of "ditch the Cambridge" comments.

The dealers comments were "best player under $2000"... "chris sold his $2500 Theta and picked this one up because it's that good, and pocketed the money"... etc.

I'm not asking if this is the best player under $2000. But how does it compare to Arcam and Rega models at $500-700?

Obvisouly, he recommends the Soliloquy 5.3 also. I liked them but wasn't as impressed as much as I thought I would be. The guy has a small shop and seems honest, but it seems this cambridge is not very well respected in this forum.

I've gotten rid of alot of my gear. What I have left to use is a Yamaha RXV-995 receiver. An amp will come, hopefully sooner than later, but I need speakers and a CD player now unless I want to continue to use my DVD player for CDs.

Any comments?
I personally feel you get what you pay for. Regardless of brand. That said you should always trust your ears. You heard it with a pair of speakers you are planing on upgrading to and you liked it compared to the cost/sound of the other more expensive players so why not go for it.

If there wasnt a big difference to you compared to the $2500 player then it is going to compare even better to an $800 player.
I have recommended the Cambridge to dozens of people on this site who wanted a new player under $500, but wanted the sound of a more expensive ones. Sterophile said it was comparible to many $800 players in sound that it demos. I think they gave it a Class C. I do not know how much better the D500SE is from the D500. I owned them both, but not at the same time. The D500 has a 20bit DAC, the D500SE 24bit. But the 20bit DAC is of a higher quality spec. according to HiFi Choice Magazine (not that the 24bit is bad).

I remember the "ditch the Cambridge" comment was on a thread on whether to buy a $2000 DAC using a different transport or the Cambridge. It is kind of like saying "ditch the Camry" just because a Lexus is better at $10,000+ more. It is out of context.

Stay away from DVD players if you have a music system.
People can tell you what they want.bottom line is a Dedicated CD player from a good MFG will allways be better than a DVD player at the same price point.
Pioneer for one does not make anything that would be considerd Hi Fi.
Great units but not Hi Fi,
Cambridge is vastly overrated.
You get alot for waht you pay compared to other units in the 400/500 range yes but true hifi no way.
Listen to a used BAT VK-5 at around 2K used and tell me you wont hear the difference.
Your source is the most important piece of your system.Dont go cheap there.
Junk in is junk out.
The best pair of speakers in the world cant correct a bad singnle.
Also consider a DAC.
I bought a d500 for a friend and was favorably impressed by the sound. At least as good as my Anthem cd1 ($1700 list). Hooked it up to an Anthem tube system (Pre1 and Amp1) played through a pair of Soliloquy 5.0's. The system sounded great, very dynamic. Now Cambridge doesn't have the build quality of the better high-end stuff, but good sounds for the money.

To quote the marketing people at Dodge, "The rules have changed." Spending lots was the rule. Now, some budget pieces have really caused havoc in the realm of big ticket items. I just picked up a pair of Axiom M3 Ti speakers for a secondary system which I would put up against many a big name. They bely their price of $240.

Some electonics embarrass pieces costing many times more. Stop looking at price tags and reading reviews. Listen!!!!!!! Good'll need it.