I have recommended the Cambridge to dozens of people on this site who wanted a new player under $500, but wanted the sound of a more expensive ones. Sterophile said it was comparible to many $800 players in sound that it demos. I think they gave it a Class C. I do not know how much better the D500SE is from the D500. I owned them both, but not at the same time. The D500 has a 20bit DAC, the D500SE 24bit. But the 20bit DAC is of a higher quality spec. according to HiFi Choice Magazine (not that the 24bit is bad).
I remember the "ditch the Cambridge" comment was on a thread on whether to buy a $2000 DAC using a different transport or the Cambridge. It is kind of like saying "ditch the Camry" just because a Lexus is better at $10,000+ more. It is out of context.