Stay away from DVD players if you have a music system.
People can tell you what they want.bottom line is a Dedicated CD player from a good MFG will allways be better than a DVD player at the same price point.
Pioneer for one does not make anything that would be considerd Hi Fi.
Great units but not Hi Fi,
Cambridge is vastly overrated.
You get alot for waht you pay compared to other units in the 400/500 range yes but true hifi no way.
Listen to a used BAT VK-5 at around 2K used and tell me you wont hear the difference.
Your source is the most important piece of your system.Dont go cheap there.
Junk in is junk out.
The best pair of speakers in the world cant correct a bad singnle.
Also consider a DAC.
People can tell you what they want.bottom line is a Dedicated CD player from a good MFG will allways be better than a DVD player at the same price point.
Pioneer for one does not make anything that would be considerd Hi Fi.
Great units but not Hi Fi,
Cambridge is vastly overrated.
You get alot for waht you pay compared to other units in the 400/500 range yes but true hifi no way.
Listen to a used BAT VK-5 at around 2K used and tell me you wont hear the difference.
Your source is the most important piece of your system.Dont go cheap there.
Junk in is junk out.
The best pair of speakers in the world cant correct a bad singnle.
Also consider a DAC.