Adding to the above, differences in performance are perceptible if the rest of the chain's able to reproduce them (rubbish or otherwise). A $0,5k player in a WELL MATCHED SYSTEM may not sound much inferior to a 2,5k player in a MISmatched system -- but the 2,5 in a WELLmatched system may be another affair...
So, the Cambridge may well be a good buy for you. A used, higher performance cdp may be a better idea, especially as you're out to get amps next.
Whichever the case, you MUST listen to the dream machine, and do so with ancillary equip you LIKE -- otherwise, choosing correctly is impossible!
So, the Cambridge may well be a good buy for you. A used, higher performance cdp may be a better idea, especially as you're out to get amps next.
Whichever the case, you MUST listen to the dream machine, and do so with ancillary equip you LIKE -- otherwise, choosing correctly is impossible!