CAL Delta or Theta Data II as transport?

Currently using my Sony 7700 DVD as transport to EVO Millenium DAC II, and wondered if it would be worth moving to a mid-level(?) dedicated cd transport. The CAL and Theta units are frequently available used for $400-500. Other suggestions welcome but like to stay under $1000 used.

How much to you lose at this level compared to the Wadia, Levenson, etal?

Many thanks in advance for sharing your experences.
great conversation guys

I also have an EVS Millenium II
and it totally revolutionized my system
still have a trace of hum with it
but can't hear it when the music is on
It does mate very well with Cal products

I'm waiting for my tax return to upgrade from a cal icon (coax out) to something bigger. Sean had some great advice on the digital cable (any faves?). I thought an AR transport (only) might be a good choice. Also isolation is a good thing (I use vibrapods under the EVS and cd).

I see Cal delta's on ebay for $400-500 each week. I too am looking to get a nice deal on a unit. Anyone prefer belt driven transports.

The other thing I would mention is a good power chord is a must on the dac and transport. I use a Harmonic Technology chord and it works wonders and drops the noise floor even more


Having never heard the Theta Basic II, Theta Pearl, or Wadia WT-2000 I can only comment on my experience with the CAL Delta as compared with a Pioneer DV414 (unmodified) used as a transport. My DAC is a Bel Canto. -- The Pioneer presents a slightly wider and more forward sound stage (about 2' in front of my speakers). The lower midrange is more full sounding (perhaps accentuated) and imaging is less well focussed. -- The CAL Delta has better focus and does not present a forward image (starts at the speakers and extends back from there - the term laid back comes to mind). As compared with the Pioneer the CAL Delta draws no particular attention to itself and I find it to be musical in that I find myself listening to the music and feeling comfortable with the tonality of the instruments. -- As mentioned many times on this forum, the components of a system taken together create the effect we listen to so here is the rest of mine: AES/Cary AE3 tube pre (upgraded caps), AES/Cary AE-25 tube amp (upgraded caps), Anaysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables, and Moth Audio Cicada speakers. All are run through a PS Audio P300 using Silver Audio Power Burst power cords. Having tried several digital cables (DH Labs D-75, Illuminations D-60, Van den Hul the Second) and interconnects (DH Labs BL-1, Silver Audio Silver Bullet, Harmonic Technology Truth Link, Van den Hul the Second) I am most pleased in this system with the least expensive D-75 digital cable and Monster Cable M350i (a big surprise to me) between CDP, Pre, and Amp.
Get a Theta Data Basic II and never look back. After using a Nakamichi CD Player 2 musicbank for years as a transport, the first thing I noticed with the Theta DBII was a seamless integration of freqency shifts. More musical all the way around.
Everyone's input is really appreciated, esp. Sean for giving me the benefit of your extensive research (care to disclose the make/model of the steal you apparently made?).

Based on the comments think I'll stay away from the Cal Delta. Ramesch23's about the warmth of the Theta Jade sounds interesting. My thinking at this point is to keep my eye out for a well priced Theta or a Wadia if I see one under $1000.

Thanks again everyone for your input, it's sincerely appreciated.