Quit vinyl?

I'm in the process of upgrading my system, and looking for a new amp. All modern amps have only line inputs, so I either have to keep my Rotel RQ 970 pre-pre, or find a suitable amp. Now I asked myself how often I use my turntable, and that is not much, actually: almost never. So should I quit vinyl, sell mu turntable and pre-pre, which also will provide some extra cash, or do you guys reckon I will kick myself in the head in a couple of years? Any experiences? BTW, it's not a question of sound quality, just convenience and space, and I own about 400 records....

Thanx, Satch.
I think we're agreeing here. Funny thing is I just got new loudspeakers, who have some snags (a bit brittle with my amp), but are also very revealing, allowing me to hear all kind of detail I've never heard before. And that makes me listen to music I've have listened to in a long while, just because it makes me wonder how it will sound. And that, in turn, makes me re-discover some great music (or I remember why I haven't listened to it in a long time :)). Anyway, at the moment I'm totally back playing around with music and my system. If I could just find the money for some potent mono tube-amps, like the ones I listened to when I traded speakers....
Which Morel tweeter are you using, where's it crossed at, what slope, etc ???

As far as the speakers go, i can't really tell if the drivers are surface mounted or flush mounted? Are they countersunk or sitting on top of the baffle? Sean
Good questions. The seller is on holiday now, so I can't contact him. The speakers are sunk into the baffle, and the crossover is biwirable, where the first set of terminals is driving low and mid, and the second set is driving only the tweeter. Strange..... The Morel is s rather big dome, I'd say 28 mm, and things aren't helped by my silver VD Hul loudspeakercable (which I will replace) and the rather hard acoustics of my listening room, which I'm not willing to change (hey! I gotta live there.....), although it sure helps if I close the curtains. Another solution might be to add a resistor, something like 1 ohm, 5 watts in te positive cable to the tweeter. But I'm fooling around with them, and it's fun. And, even in this set up (where the NAD is also notorious for its top-end), the strenghts outnumber the flaws, so I could live with it.

If you liked Jimi's version of "Angel" you have to get the Stanley Jordan album where he covers it. I never thought anyone could cover a Jimi tune better than Jimi did it originally, but this you gotta hear.
stanley jordans version better than jimis!!!! i dont think so,,just my humble opinion ,,i have both albums,jimi blows stanley away,,i guess you can tell im a big hendrix fan