The two motors make a lot of noise, the pulley makes noise too and the platter bearing also makes more noise.
If everything equal, I believe a single motor with a long belt that drive a platter will be far more quieter than the VPI 2 motors/pulley/platter approach.
The major problem with the two motors/pulley/platter turntable is that the motors housing and pulley housing are placing so close together than you cannot isolate them in their own separate isolation platform. Now the 2 motors housing/pulley/platter & plinth sit on the same platform or stand.....and all the noise transmit back to the turntable through the platform.
No matter how hard he tried, the noise still exist and looks like it is getting worse.
That's why it don't not make sense to me. Just plain common sense.
If everything equal, I believe a single motor with a long belt that drive a platter will be far more quieter than the VPI 2 motors/pulley/platter approach.
The major problem with the two motors/pulley/platter turntable is that the motors housing and pulley housing are placing so close together than you cannot isolate them in their own separate isolation platform. Now the 2 motors housing/pulley/platter & plinth sit on the same platform or stand.....and all the noise transmit back to the turntable through the platform.
No matter how hard he tried, the noise still exist and looks like it is getting worse.
That's why it don't not make sense to me. Just plain common sense.