Best Used DAC for 1000?

Looking for recommendations for used DAC for my PD 65 Pioneer CD player. Budget is $1000 but would like to spend less if possible to improve sound quality of dacs in the 65. Thank you for your help and input.

if you can find a Timbre TT1 Dac for $5-800, do it. It is one of the richest, most analog like DAC's out there but it doesn't shortchange you on detail.
Modwright Signature Perpetual Technologies P3A DAC
Check out
It really is an outstanding unit and the best out there for the price.
Brand new - the Birdland Odeon Lite. Sells new for 1k retail - look up site and someone has one used for 600 on the Audiogon site. Spend a little more on the tubed Kora Hermes for the best at under 5K .