Best Used DAC for 1000?

Looking for recommendations for used DAC for my PD 65 Pioneer CD player. Budget is $1000 but would like to spend less if possible to improve sound quality of dacs in the 65. Thank you for your help and input.

Brand new - the Birdland Odeon Lite. Sells new for 1k retail - look up site and someone has one used for 600 on the Audiogon site. Spend a little more on the tubed Kora Hermes for the best at under 5K .
i second the birdland odeon lite. great sound at a modest price. i a/b'd against p1/p3 with pwr supply. (it did not have the mods....but shame on them for not making it right to begin with imo). birdland gave me a more analog sound. anyway i am running it with an old pioneer combo laser/dvd/cd machine. very satisfying. better than my cal 15 too! fwiw

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