XLR to RCA conversion

I have learned that my Manley monoblocks perform better using a single-ended input, rather than the balanced cable I am using.

If I were to buy the Cardas converters that would enable me to convert the XLR to an RCA at the amp end, would I (1) have to do the same at the Audio Aero Capitole output end or could I just convert the input or amp end of the connection?

I have to use my 40 foot balanced interconnects and want to go single-ended at the amps and HOPEFULLY still get the benefit of a balanced cable and the noise rejection it provides.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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You can certainly use an XLR-RCA adapter to feed your amp a single ended signal. Just put them on the input to the amp as Tvad says. However, you would lose the noise rejection benefit of the balanced cables. You can't have it both ways.

The noise rejection comes from the fact that the cables are balanced and any noise that is picked up will be equal in both lines. This noise is then cancelled at the input to the amp, but most home listening rooms just don't have a level of electrical noise that is worth worrying about so I doubt you would hear any increase in noise.
Hi Gerry,
You will be fine with your plan. We are an authorized Cardas dealer and many customers convert just as you suggest with positive results. Drop me a line if we can be of any further assistance.