How long have you had the SAME GEAR?

Just curious....
Not counting Cart.'s and A/D's, how long have you had your same gear?
How often do you change it?
Is there anyone out there with the same system for five years that is happy with it?

How many of you go into high end shops and audition systems that cost 4 or 5 times the retail of your own and think it stinks?
Gumby; look at recent thread of 3/16 titled "How long do you keep a component"-- it's under Misc. Audio. Craig
I have had the same Krell/B&W (KSA-300S,KRC-HR,KPS20-i,B&W 801 III w/North Creek xovers,PAD Proteus cables) since 1997. I have tried going more current with Krell amps, but found I like the synergy of this system. I have added PS Audio power plants, but they only let the system work, as it should. I used to buy/sell a lot even before the web on AudioMart, both tube and solid-state system’s and more than one system in the house for sure. I am pretty much done moving around with the gear because of the percentages of disappointment out weigh the amount of gain. What system did you enjoy most of your music on and listen to the most? Keep on listening!
I have had basically The same system for much longer than 5 years. I am still using a pair of Dahlquist DQM-9s that I have had since 1986, although they are having new surrounds installed right now so I am using a pair of 13 year old DQ-20s for now. I have a hafler 220 thats even older driving them. I still use a DBX DX-5 for cd's witch is 15 years old, give or take. My newest piece in this system is a hafler Iris pre amp, maybe its 8 or 9 years old. Most of my time and money all goes into the home theater now, that would be a much different story. But I still like that old audio system after all these years.
Let's see when did I change my underwear? Only kiding in the last 11 years I have had 8 pairs of speakers, 10 amps, 8 pre-amps, 4 turntables, 20 catridges and about three sets of interconnects and speakerwires. Now I am married and all that is at a end! By the way I have no money in the bank,(that also will change). Crazy hobby or what; kind of like drugs! I blame it all on Harry Pearson who else! If only I could pick out all the best parts of each one of these components and make SUPER components! How fondly I remember something nice about each one if only.........