In what laboratory or think-tank...

...was the 1.5 meter length of digital cable established as the optimum length to use between Transport and DAC?

Is this a proven fact or just more cable BS?
Chris Somivago, who created the groundbreaking Illuminati digital cables, might be a good person to ask. He is now with his new cable company called Stereovox.

Back in the day I think that the originator of the 1.5m magic number (or something like that) was originated with Marigo's digital cable. Maybe someone should email Ron hedrich and find out what his thoughts were on the subject...
It was Jimmy the street dealer who unloaded a stash of wire long ago in the streets of Brooklyn. Jimmy never went to school but his Papa was from the Old Country, so Jimmy knew meters...and figured 1.5 was the shortest length he could move while still raking a sweet profit from that roll of Con-Ed cable.

You dig?