How many records do you own?

I sure this has been asked, but our collections grow and change. How many do you have and what kinds of music do you have? Where do you get most of your pressings?

I have around 4000, 1/4 - 1/3 are classical, 1/4 are folk and bluegrass, 1/4 jazz and the rest rock. Would like more Jazz.
I buy most of mine from garage sales and used record stores.
Just now finding out about new pressings and 180-220 gram discs!!!!
about 600, I started about 2 years ago. About 1/4 are heavy metal/rock, and the balance are classical. 10% from record stores, 5% from eBay, 75% from used record stores, and 10% from either people giving them to me or selling them to me.
About 2000, mostly 80's new wave, New order, China Crisis, Wire train, Depeche mode etc...Some Heavy metal and POP.

Threw about 3500 away, a few years ago. Mostly old jazz and classical and some unbearable pop records, like Captain and Tenielle, Dave Brubeck and Perry Como. None of the record stores or "collectors" wanted to come get them. So off to Dumpsterville.
Been at this for about two years now and have around 700, 50% 60s-70s rock and 50% jazz. I buy 90% from used record stores as there are about a dozen stores within 40 miles of me and 10% off the internet.
I have about 2000 rock and classical make up most of the records with the rest folk and bluegrass/contry. I need more folk records anybody want to give some up ?
Over 4,000 (that's the number at which I stopped counting when packing up the collection for a *big move* last November. (My back still hurts!) That number includes the first LP I bought back in '62. I accumulated LPs, more or less steadily, thru the 70's into the early 80's, when I got "side-tracked" for a few years by seedees. Started collecting again in the late 90's and am still at it!