Has anyone heard the Kora hermes connected to a ..

Cary 303/100 cdp or even a Sony 7700 dvd? I'm currently using: Cary 303/100 cdp -> Coincident cst .5 ic.-> Rogue 66 lsr(soon to be upgraded to Magnum) -> Coincident cst .5 ic. -> Odyssey Stratos w/ cap upgrade -> AP Oval 9 biwired -> Magnepan 1.6qr. On the video side I'm using: Sony 7700 dvd -> Cardas 300b ic. -> Cal Sigma II w/ 24/96 chip -> D.H. Labs 1m ic. -> Rogue 66. I like the fact that the Kore hermes has two inputs and assume I could use the Cary 303 xlr output into the hermes and the Sony 7700 rca output into the hermes. Am I correct and what sound could I expect? Thanks in advance for any suggestions and comments!
3D might be one way to put it. Go to audioreview.com for more owner opinions of the Kora.
Hi Bradz. I own the Kora Hermes with all that new stuff [Auricaps, cryo'd Jena Labs wiring, etc...] inside it , and I really love it. Just as Ljgj says, 3d would be a good way to describe one of the attributes of the Kora. It has this plus more air, and a more overall smoother, refined and musical sound than the Bel Canto DAC 1.1 I was using before. Plus I'm awaiting the arrival of a pair of Siemens 6922s to replace the stock tubes.
Should I consider selling my Cary 303 and using a less expensive transport with the Kora? Just wondering if I'd benefit more that way and at the same time having the "funds" for the Kora. How could I benefit more from the Cary 303, when used with the Kora dac? I realize there would possibly be more tube warmth, but what else?
That's a tough call. I use the Kora Hermes with a Theta Pearl transport, so that would probably fall into the category you mention. You'd really have to compare the two side by side, because your Cary IS a very good piece. It's interesting that Ljgj is getting great results with the Electrocompaniet/Kora combo, because the EMC1 is a great piece as well. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but my experience is pretty limited here.
There is no contest when comparing the two - which includes the ECM's XLR outs played at the same time in line1 and the Kora in CD of the preamp - you do not want to listen to the ECM by itself. Do not skimp too much on the transport - I used a Pioneer 65 as transport through the Kora - it is a great transport. The Elite line is a great transport source - a friend uses a 93 through his Kora with great results.