It's funny how records are still best.

With all the technology & new formats I find it funny how records are still the best way to listen to music. You can spend as much as you want on a CD player & A modest record player will almost always sound better.
at the time records were the norm, there were a lot of great pieces to choose from, both performance-wise and sound-wise.
at some future point, record-making got cheap and dirty, and the poor quality became obvious even to the average consumer. then along comes the cd, without all of the problems inherent in bad pressings--hurray!... of course, the cd didn't sound all that great for a long time. now they sound better, but the cd catalog will never compare to the variety and quality of vinyl in its golden days. so, with all of the software issues at large, it seems imperitive to have a decent cdp and record player, and build a collection of material, some dig, some analog, that gets your toe tapping. the choice of software is by far the most important ingredient in the mix. and if you really have golden ears, a great performance will keep you listening for hours even if it sounds mediocre, because great art is not diminished by thd or jitter or surface noise.
French Fries, Nice of the most reasonable posts I've seen on one of these Vinyl vs CD's threads.
I see and have the need to have both Vinyl and CD's (and I do have both).
In my system, on most of my records, I have not have pops or clicks. When I listen to the same recording on Vinyl that also is out on CD, the Vinyl has been significantly better 100 % of the time for me and anyone that has ever visited (audiophiles and rookies).
Do I listen to CD's; yes, but I listen to Vinyl 95 % of the time because it is much more involving and more enjoyable with more detail and better sound staging.
My system is quite resolving on both the Vinyl and CD side. My sense is that if you think CD’s are better, it might be because you have not heard a well set up Vinyl system playing clean LP’s that are well recorded.
I can listen all day to Records, but CD’s wear me out in somewhere between and 1 ½ - 2 hours and then I am drained.
If you think CD’s are better, do yourself a favor and seek out a chance to listen to a great Vinyl system and see how you feel afterwards. If you don’t have the time or mentality to do the work needed for LP’s, enjoy your CD’s.
We all know that a dog has FAR superior auditory capacities as compared to any human. Having said that, if the Edison cylinder was good enough to fool Nipper the dog, how much better does it have to get to sound like "real, live music" with a cd or record??? I'm selling all of my digital and vinyl and going back to Edison cylinders. You guys are all deaf AND dumb : ) Sean

I see you have a pair of AR-90's. I still have mine in original condition. I need to rebuld (refoam) the dricers otherwise they are fine.

As a fellow vinyl lover I have to agree that the closest thing to the sound of the master tape is open reel. Had a great reel score the other day. Just so hard to find compared to vinyl.