Raul's recommendation for the Whest PS.20 is a good one - it's a new(ish) product which has been very well received by the audio press. Contrary to what Raul has posted, there is one REALLY good step up transformer available but it is nearly impossible to find and therefore quite expensive - the Expressive Technologies SU1.
If you use the Whest, you'll need to keep your line stage or find a better one. If you use the ET SU1, you'll need a MM phono stage + line stage too.
Anyhow... There are quite a few options available & I just struggled with a similar exercise myself so hopefully what I have to write will help you.
I too have the low output UNIverse cartridge.
The Aesthetix IO Signature is IMHO the best sounding phono stage I've used however it is huge and takes a lot of space plus requires - if I remember correctly - 22 tubes which all must be of the absolute highest quality and of particular brands / vintage for the IO to sound its best.
Unfortunately, the benefits of the IO are in my experience diminished by any line stage you pair it with. The Aesthetix volume control - while somewhat transparent sounding - tends to compress dynamics. I had bad luck with a passive Placette which also killed dynamics. You could try a transformer based volume control (bent or silver rock) but I think you will need the buffer provided by a line stage.
Suprateks are great options. I had one for many years and loved (still love) it. It represents a great value all-in-one solution which will have enough gain for the UNIverse. IMHO, aside from world class engineering and manufacture, the Supratek's only weakness is in ultimate transparency.
Audionote M6 - great solution - one box (with no external power supply) but does not have a MC phono and will therefore require a step up device. The Stevens & Billington step ups are IMHO the best commercially available devices (also represented by Bent Audio). They've produced a new step up box which can be seen here at Music First the consumer products division of S&B. Aside from the S&B, you could (as mentioned above) try an Expressive Technologies SU1 (good luck finding one). The Audio Note M6 is actually a great value in the AN line up. It can be EASILLY modified with better parts and AN-Vz wire throughout to increase performance & transparency. This will bring the unit closer to the M8.
I also looked at the LAMM LP2 + L2, Messenger Preamp, Audion Premier Quattro and CTC Blowtorch. All of which are good solutions but get a bit pricey & have their own undesirable quirks.
There really is no PERFECT preamp + phono that I know of.
All those things considered, I settled on the Manley Steelhead. In my system, it has enough gain for the UNIverse's .24Mv output - running through the MM inputs (which by-pass the step up device). Using the MC inputs produces a somewhat warmer / fuller sound (very subtle). It uses a stepped volume control and has a buffer / line stage built in so it can drive your amps directly. Another benefit is a line level input for your digital.
I have opened the box and see that there's about 6 inches of space behind the volume knob. This leads me to think the DACT Remote Kit will fit inside giving the Steelhead the convenience of remote control.
The Manley has two MC inputs and one MM input (and the line level input) so multiple arms / cartridges become an option for you down the road.
In a world where there is no perfect preamp, the Manley represents what I found to be a good one box solution.
The biggest downside of the Manley is how it looks. Actually, it looks better in real life than in photos but still could use an "extreme makeover".
As mentioned above (and by Raul) - the Whest phono stage is highly recommended by reviewers and has been compared favorably equal to the Manley. I think the Whest is $2,500 but unfortunately you'll need a line stage to go with it, additional interconnects and power cord too. Adding up the cost of the Whest + everything else you'll need to have first rate (do-it-once & do-it-right) performance will cost right up there with the other solutions.
Anyhow.. I hope this helps.
If you use the Whest, you'll need to keep your line stage or find a better one. If you use the ET SU1, you'll need a MM phono stage + line stage too.
Anyhow... There are quite a few options available & I just struggled with a similar exercise myself so hopefully what I have to write will help you.
I too have the low output UNIverse cartridge.
The Aesthetix IO Signature is IMHO the best sounding phono stage I've used however it is huge and takes a lot of space plus requires - if I remember correctly - 22 tubes which all must be of the absolute highest quality and of particular brands / vintage for the IO to sound its best.
Unfortunately, the benefits of the IO are in my experience diminished by any line stage you pair it with. The Aesthetix volume control - while somewhat transparent sounding - tends to compress dynamics. I had bad luck with a passive Placette which also killed dynamics. You could try a transformer based volume control (bent or silver rock) but I think you will need the buffer provided by a line stage.
Suprateks are great options. I had one for many years and loved (still love) it. It represents a great value all-in-one solution which will have enough gain for the UNIverse. IMHO, aside from world class engineering and manufacture, the Supratek's only weakness is in ultimate transparency.
Audionote M6 - great solution - one box (with no external power supply) but does not have a MC phono and will therefore require a step up device. The Stevens & Billington step ups are IMHO the best commercially available devices (also represented by Bent Audio). They've produced a new step up box which can be seen here at Music First the consumer products division of S&B. Aside from the S&B, you could (as mentioned above) try an Expressive Technologies SU1 (good luck finding one). The Audio Note M6 is actually a great value in the AN line up. It can be EASILLY modified with better parts and AN-Vz wire throughout to increase performance & transparency. This will bring the unit closer to the M8.
I also looked at the LAMM LP2 + L2, Messenger Preamp, Audion Premier Quattro and CTC Blowtorch. All of which are good solutions but get a bit pricey & have their own undesirable quirks.
There really is no PERFECT preamp + phono that I know of.
All those things considered, I settled on the Manley Steelhead. In my system, it has enough gain for the UNIverse's .24Mv output - running through the MM inputs (which by-pass the step up device). Using the MC inputs produces a somewhat warmer / fuller sound (very subtle). It uses a stepped volume control and has a buffer / line stage built in so it can drive your amps directly. Another benefit is a line level input for your digital.
I have opened the box and see that there's about 6 inches of space behind the volume knob. This leads me to think the DACT Remote Kit will fit inside giving the Steelhead the convenience of remote control.
The Manley has two MC inputs and one MM input (and the line level input) so multiple arms / cartridges become an option for you down the road.
In a world where there is no perfect preamp, the Manley represents what I found to be a good one box solution.
The biggest downside of the Manley is how it looks. Actually, it looks better in real life than in photos but still could use an "extreme makeover".
As mentioned above (and by Raul) - the Whest phono stage is highly recommended by reviewers and has been compared favorably equal to the Manley. I think the Whest is $2,500 but unfortunately you'll need a line stage to go with it, additional interconnects and power cord too. Adding up the cost of the Whest + everything else you'll need to have first rate (do-it-once & do-it-right) performance will cost right up there with the other solutions.
Anyhow.. I hope this helps.