Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence

I ordered a Sota Cosmos turntable and am going to get a ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. I am looking for a great arm that is not high maintenence or finiky. I don't want to have to adjust it with each playing, or to add oil every time I use it.

The arms I'm interested in right now are the TriPlaner, Graham 2.2, or the SME IV, but I'm open to suggestions. The new arm with replace a Rega RB 900.

Give me your what and why...
None of the arms you mentioned are high maintenance. The
simplest is the Rega. I currently own the Triplanar and SME IV. The Wheaton is the best arm I've ever owned. It has lots of adjustments but you don't need to touch them after setup. I've owned the Graham 1.5 and, again, once set it is set up you don't to change anything.
Agree with Narrod. In my experience, the Graham 2.2, and before that, the 1.5, that I own and have owned are essentially no maintenance. Once set up properly, and it's not that hard to do (though I had my dealer do it), you can leave it alone. Beautifully made, and very well-engineered arms.
Narrod how would you characterize the differences between the SME IV and the TriPlaner? After a little more research I have decided to drop the Graham from the list of choices.
The Wheaton is more accurate top to bottom. The SME is a little bloated in the bass which makes it an ideal match for the Oracle which is where I use it. The Graham is superior to
the SME. All are good as is the Rega.