Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence

I ordered a Sota Cosmos turntable and am going to get a ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. I am looking for a great arm that is not high maintenence or finiky. I don't want to have to adjust it with each playing, or to add oil every time I use it.

The arms I'm interested in right now are the TriPlaner, Graham 2.2, or the SME IV, but I'm open to suggestions. The new arm with replace a Rega RB 900.

Give me your what and why...
Agree with Narrod. In my experience, the Graham 2.2, and before that, the 1.5, that I own and have owned are essentially no maintenance. Once set up properly, and it's not that hard to do (though I had my dealer do it), you can leave it alone. Beautifully made, and very well-engineered arms.
Narrod how would you characterize the differences between the SME IV and the TriPlaner? After a little more research I have decided to drop the Graham from the list of choices.
The Wheaton is more accurate top to bottom. The SME is a little bloated in the bass which makes it an ideal match for the Oracle which is where I use it. The Graham is superior to
the SME. All are good as is the Rega.
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Marty - I always grin when I see your looser,er I mean user name come up. You always have something funny to say. I appreciate that! So many people are such stiffs!

I have talked to Donna and Kirk on several occasions. I know they use SME quite a bit, but you hit one something I had not considered, that being the sympathetic synergy between the Sota and the SME. I don't really have much interest inthe SME V, but the IV is a good match for my system, I think...

Thanks Marty, come out here and turn the amp off yourself. I can put you up for a while!?!