Looking for a great arm that is low maintenence

I ordered a Sota Cosmos turntable and am going to get a ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. I am looking for a great arm that is not high maintenence or finiky. I don't want to have to adjust it with each playing, or to add oil every time I use it.

The arms I'm interested in right now are the TriPlaner, Graham 2.2, or the SME IV, but I'm open to suggestions. The new arm with replace a Rega RB 900.

Give me your what and why...

I haven't heard any SME so I can't help you with that comparison. Sorry.

FWIW I've heard an Airy 3 on both a Graham 2.2 and a TriPlanar VII (in the same system). The TriPlanar VII controlled the Airy 3's high energy levels much better.
Dougdeacon: did you apply damping with the Triplanar as well, and if so, how much?
Docsavage, I don't know that I'd say there is anything wrong with the Rega, it's just not in the class of the others listed here. For it's price it does a very good job, but it does not have the ultimate respolution of the Graham, SME, or the TriPlaner.

I spoke to Mehran last night, and ordered the TriPlaner and the ZYX. Thanks to everyone who was instrumental (that's a MUSIC joke) in this process, like Cello, and Vetterone, Sirspeedy and Doug Deacon. If I hate the combo, watch yer backs guys!!! : )
Nrchy,best of luck with your new table/arm/cart combo.Great stuff!It will sound great and you will love it.Of that I'm certain!