Use a gDVD/CD player as transport with a good DAC?

Someone that I really respect told me that the cheapest way to get a high-end audio player is to buy a DVD/CD player - good one - say Panasonic/Technics for $ 500. This way you get the latest possible in transport technology. Use the digital out connection on the DVD/CD plyer and feed it into a DAC such as Bel Canto, Theta, Electrocompaniet etc. I am very intrigued. Any thoughts?? Has anyone tried this. Which components did you try and how is it working?? Thanks in advance.
I agree completely with JC Audio! Buy the best transport you can afford.

A great deal would, in my opinion, would be a used Theta Data II or III, or EAD transport.

I agree with Tarsando. Get a used SACD player and even consider the Dan Wright ( transport modifications. You get SACD playback capability as a bonus. My understanding is using a DVD player as CD a transport leads due increased jitter on the digital output from the CD clock on the DVD player being derivied from the much higher frequency DVD clock. I have used a Chord DAC 64 with great success in the past with CD, DVD and SACD players. However, the DAC 64 has an internal buffer stage that retimes the incoming signal, reducing jitter from the transport.
We have found the same problems with dvd players as transports as with cd transpots using inferior readers.Most DVD players simply have very flimsy computer type mechanics that don't really do a good job of transfer of data without a lot of artifacts.The best we have found so far are the Goldmund.Although they use OEM companies for the drive they have a very sophisticated clamping system machined by the company that mills Rolex,Paget,and Goldmund,exclusively.They currently have 2 products with the reference unit expected this summer.If,for the first time you require a DVD system and a 2 channel playback system to interlace, it can be done without compromise.Easy DVD turntable at 3095.00 or Eidos 38 at 12995.00.
Dear DC, Been there and done that and learned a few important things. A standard DVD player from most mass market companies can not be upgraded to justify the cost of adding an expensive DAC. The one exception was Marantz. There was a modification which did help cosiderably. I just can not recall the name "ODDJOB" maybe. I also found that using a transport and DAC from the same company work best .Trying to match different brands did not give predictable results. Lastly , the choice of digital cable between the transport and DAC WAS JUST AS IMPORTANT. Try a number of them before choosing. I eventually decided on an upgradable transport and DAC from Theta with a HT digital cable. This long winded answer to your question can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run but we all learn the same way; by trial and ERROR, lots of error. Hope this helps, Dredster
Great everyone. Thanks for your help. I guess this was not a silver bullet. I am looking for one so if you have one let me know. In the meantime, I will continue my chase for perfect reproduction looking for used Theta and EAD gear. I certainly believe myself, as someone above said - the Transport is much more important than the DAC. I just sold a Rega CD player that I tried with the Bel Canto. Clearly was some improvement, but a $ 800 player with a $ 1500 transport was the wrong balance. Should have been a $ 1500 transport with an $ 800 DAC. Thanks everyone.