Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
MY God we are talking about removing 6 screws.Unlike the MKI there are no wires attached to the cover.I am a dealer,and just about anyone with a scrwdriver can remove the cover.As for replacing the chip(if needed)that is another story.
I think the concern isn't so much one's ability to remove the cover, but like Rap says, the concern is voiding a warranty. That may even be worse than having the old chip IMHO.

Also, Sattothestars provided a great indicator about whether or not you have the correct chip...I think if you're getting data cutoff in between tracks on a live album, you more than likely need to discuss getting your dealer to update the software.
Well I am basing it off the fact that you have 2 chaoices.Obviously calling GAM is thw way to go.If they feel you are somewhat competent they will let you change the chip(if needed)yourself or you can send it back to them and be without a cd player for weeks.
I received my brand new unit two days ago. It was manufactured in July (I understand that pre July units may have contained the old software) and has the new chip (confirmed by Mr Combelles in person).
Initially, the unit could not read any discs but that was because I did not place the "puck" on the disc. It was my fault but the manual makes no mention of the necessity of locking the disc with the puck! Sattothestars: many thanks for your advice.

Else, the player is playing flawlessly: no tracking problems, no cutoffs between tracks, no skipping, and all buttons on the remote are working perfectly. However, if the sliding drawer is opened whilst in play, the unit stops playing immediately. Also, the (new?) manual explicitly mentions that the drawer should remain closed. But someone stated earlier that leaving the drawer open may yield improved sonics. Could it be that the new chip requires the lid to remain closed?