Big Difference With New Source?

I am considering upgrading to a new cd player. My modest system has slowly come together and at this point I figure the cd source is the weakest link. Currently I have a NAD 541 w/hdcd. I am considering players in the $2k range from Linn, Cary, Rega, Naim among others. My question: What differences am I going to notice compared to my $500 player. Will there be a major, dramatic improvement or will the changes be more subtle. (Will I have to concentrate to hear the difference?) I would appreciate your opinion. --------PatrickSYSTEM: Bryston 3bst
VTL tube preamp
B&W CDM1nt
NAD 541 cd
It'll make a HUGE difference. I'd sell the NAD and the VTL, then buy a Cary 306-200 on the used market for ~$3k. Run that directly to your ampflifier via balanced connection. You'll hear a LOT more detail.
My experience has not been the same as Gthrush1. I've upgraded everything in my system at least 3 times. I found that the upgrades from a Kenwood cd to a Micromega 2 to a Meridian 508-24 were FAR less noticeable than the upgrades of (in order) amp, cables, speakers, preamp. YMMV
I agree with Rbirke.
I have found that improvements in the analog end to have much more "bang for the buck" than in the digital end.
I would probably leave your CD playback until last.
I don't necessarily agree with the order of Rbirke. I would put the combination of speakers and amp at the front.
