For the money, you can't beat the PSAudio PerfectWave transport, IMHO. I've seen them used for as little as $1300. I've owned CEC and Meitner transports and auditioned Esoteric and Consonance transports and the PWT beat them all.
Its jitter and noise measurements are vanishingly low and I've not had a single issue with mine in three years. Both the CEC and Meitner transports developed either belt or lazer problems. The PWT is musical, affordable and reliable. You may find a cheaper transport, but you'll have to spend a great deal more money to best the PWT.
Its jitter and noise measurements are vanishingly low and I've not had a single issue with mine in three years. Both the CEC and Meitner transports developed either belt or lazer problems. The PWT is musical, affordable and reliable. You may find a cheaper transport, but you'll have to spend a great deal more money to best the PWT.