Linn Ikemi CD Player vs. Other Lower Cost Options

I am considering replacing my Meridian 508.20 CD player with another unit. The 508.20 CD player is connected to a Jeff Rowland Concentra integrated amplifier and ProAc 2.5 Speakers. I heard the Meridian 588 vs. the Ikemi and I liked the Linn (much better). I heard the Wadia 301 and found it too bright (possible setup problem). I liked the Rega Jupiter also but when compared to the Ikemi, the Linn was the winner (for my ears). The Ayre CX7 is an option that I need to listen to. Since the Linn Ikemi is expensive, does anyone have a recommendation for a similar high quality CD player than the Linn Ikemi but at a lower cost (like under $2,000)? For the cost and value, is the better option to upgrade my 508.20 to 508.24? Comments and suggestions are requested.
I've had an Ikemi, and I don't think there's any one box player less or equally expensive that will better it. I did find that the Chord DAC64 was a considerable improvement over the Ikemi, but you will have to have some sort of transport.
When I auditioned CDP's 2 years ago, I listened to seven or eight. Although I ended up getting a great deal on the Ikemi, I almost went for the the Arcam FMJ CD23. It was, to my ears, a very close competitor to the Ikemi. If I hadn't got the great deal on the Ikemi, I'm sure I would have been very happy with the FMJ (about $2000 retail?)
Thsalmon offers good advice and Gboren offers a good tip, IMO. Later (i.e. 2002) models are slightly better than the originals. Cheers
I still own a ikemi,and love it,I also owned a genki,which is not at the level of the ikemi.I do not know if you have listend to a genki, but for the price used around 1000.00 it might be worth a listen. Hope this might help.