I was planning on buying a new CD player (Rega Jupiter 2000), when I read a few reveiws of the Sony SCD-XA777ES, which used, I could buy for about the same amount as the Rega new. I currently have an extensive CD collection, but no SACDs. My question is whether I should just go ahead and buy the Sony, or whether a dedicated CD player, like the Rega (or others at its price point) are significantly better in their CD playback. Thanks. Tom
Don't put too much stock in what NataLIE says or misspells. He was never said a good word about anything but is convinced of his own golden ears. I have had many good (not great) CD players in the last fifteen years and the Sony sounds better than my Nakamichi, Philips, or California Audio Labs. I have compared my Sony SCD 777es to CD players that cost 3 to 4 times what the Sony did and it faired very well my comparison.
The only thing that NataLIE has ever said that I could stoop to agree with is that Sony keeps their better products for their own asian market.
Nrchy do you discount what the reviewrs found in Bound For Sound.
Gp to the site www.boundforsound.
The only Audio Mag Left worth reading.
The Player DVPNS900V was a fllor model with many weeks of break in. I also put in on 24/7 play for a week.
I wanted it to be good. Its for a HT set up in the basement and would also like to get decent redbook. I was shocked. Literally shocked at how bad it soinded doing regular VD's.
I had borrowed a friends Hitachi P250u DVD player for a while. I found it ok to listen to it did not get on my nerves.
Well the Sony is painful to listen to in RedBook and Watching DVD concert Video's.

After looking at many different threads on this unit. I guess if you want to go out and spend 1K to mod it go for it. For a 3 K unit it should do redbook better.
I have never listened to a DVPNS900V. I don't even know what it is, but I own the SCD 777es and it sounded good in the store and sounded better at home. I don't care what Bound for Sound or any other rags says if it contradicts what I hear. I don't have a HT set-up and really don't care about DVD at this point, but in my understanding that's not what we are talking about here. Sony XA777es vs. Rega is easy. Buy the Sony because the format is better!
Nrchy If you think its a good redbook plyaer fine. Thats great. Most people feel its below standard on redboook. I agree with them. I have yet to hear any Sony Unit do Redbook as well as any other competitor in the same price range. Nothing Sony Makes beats Rega in the same price point.
The Sony DVP-NS900V is a whole different creature than the other Sony players being discussed in this thread. For one thing, it is not an ES model. It is just a mass produced consumer product as compare to the ES model which is designed with attention to audiophile needs. Also, it is not a dedicated audio player. It is a DVD/CD/SACD player. The addition of all the video circuits/processors is a big negative for the overall audio performance. Therefore, I can see why Natalie may be unhappy with the player.