What would be the best transport for Meitner Dac 6

A transport that doesn't cost mega bucks, something that would work well together.

Thank you
If you can swing the DAC6, whats another 4-5k for a transport?

As far as standards go, in the pro world its' pretty much: unencrypted, with ability for external word clock sync. Hardwarewise, it can be over BNC, firewire, XLR, etc. Meitner's pro stuff does the above, I believe. For the consumer stuff - not sure. Probably some encryption but the ability is there to do it unencrypted, as the whole pro world must do.


FWIW, I have a meitner-modified SCD-1 with DSD digital out, unencrypted, built for pro use. Not that I can swing a DAC6 or DCC2 anytime soon. Maybe if he did a straight 2-channel dac w/o preamp...
Both Tbg & Rcprince are correct about the SACD. However, any transport with an AES/EBU output, would work into the DAC6 and still give you the ability to hear what I believe is the finest redbook playback available.

Jonathan Tinn
EMM Labs
I want to say that my repaired EMM modified Phillips sacd 1000 has been performing flawlessly for the last week.
I must say that seeing the collaborative effort to fix those SACD 1000s as documented on AA, involving both modifiers and Philips repair personnel, has been a pleasant surprise.
And a great relief for me. Mine is still working properly with it more recent MACE chip.