Power cord for Meridian 508.24 CD player?

What power cords have others found to work particularly well with the Meridian 508.24 CD player?

If possible, can you elaborate on the sonic differences relative to the stock power cord?
I went from a JPS Labs Digital to a TG Audio SLVR and the change was beneficial. More pace, even tone, beautiful sense of space around instruments.
I have a 508.20, however, it's been modified w/Blackgates & Schottky's. I settled on a TG Audio 688 after trying the SLVR, only because the SLVR was a tad bit bright for me. So, I second TG Audio cables.

As for the differences between a good aftermarket PC & stock, in addition to what Vikvilkhu said, I think you'll find the soundstage shrinks, bass isn't tight & the overall presence suffers.
On my Meridian, I am using the Electra glide Fatboy also (older6" version)
I own the Electraglide Fatboy,fatman,and Referenece, Whale Elite, Zu Mother,Jps and have tried many others .
With the fatboy on the Meridian , the Meridian plugged into a PS300 and the Ps 300 connected via a Fatman to a PS600.
This combo work's best for me.
I have used a TG Audio SLVR power cord with my Meridian 508.24 CD player and have been very (although not completely) satisfied with the combination.

I am currently burning in the stock power cord to provide a "baseline" for other power cord comparisions.

Has anyone directly compared the TG Audio SLVR power cord vs. the Electraglide power cords with this particular CD player? If, so can you elaborate on the sonic differences between the two? Triglide vs. Referenceglide vs. Fat Boy?

Thanks in advance!