The Planet has been placed into many stereo systems over the past 4-5 years. It does need to have good ICs and have better isolation in some applications. Check out the many MB post and you will see it is a reliable and decent cdp. It is not going beat the more expensive players but it holds its own in its price point. I have the orginal and the 2000, never thought they were bright sounding and am very please with their performance. If they were bright sounding, I wouldn't have bought them because most of my cds are Jazz and it would have irritated me. The 2000 plays about 4-5 hours seven days a week and has been doing so for about 20 months w/o a glitch. My orginal is 4 1/2 years old and works perfect. You can always experiment and buy a used one from someone in your area and sell it if doesn't match up to your system.
Good luck and enjoy the music.
Good luck and enjoy the music.