$2000 CDP for Rock Music????

OK here goes. 1) I am pretty new to this wonderful "hobby." 2) Becuase I live in a small town, 99% of my knowledge about the hobby and the decisions I have made and will make regarding purchases come from various known magazines and the internet. 3) I love music second only to my family and close friends......my music is mostly some variation of "alternative" rock (Red Hot Chili Peppers, NIN, Nirvana, PIXIES and Frank Black, Oingo Boingo, Oasis, THE THE, Marilyn Manson and many others from my collection of about 400 CD's. I know this music is not to the liking of many of you out there, it is non the less what I like (I have begun to like some jazz/funk cds, mostly because the music is so "clean.") Anyway my current system.........
PSB Stratus Goldi speakers
Aragon 8008BB amp
Acurus RL 11 preamp
MIT T2 cables
I don't have much to compare my system to but I know I am missing some of the "air" and "liveliness" as I call it in my music. There also seems to be too much grain and edge to even my better recorded music. I know my speakers and amp are far from state of the art, but it seems to me that my CDP and preamp are my systems weak links. I want to replace my CDP first and am in the $2000 range (maybe a few hundred more if any of you could convince me to spend it). I would definitly consider and even prefer good used equipment. The CDP's I am considering are the sony XA777es or SCD-1(but have heard of reliability probs), Wadia 830, Electrocompaniet EMC 1 (version?????), hell really I don't know......you may have guessed, these are choices I have read about but have never had the chance to audition and won't. I am leaning towards the XA777es simply because it seems like a safe bet and the SACD option seems nice even though most of my music is not on SACD (yet I hope). I really want a CDP that is dynamic, has lots of "drive", has that "air" I am missing, and well hell, I want a CDP that is good at everything......bring it on and thanks in advance. Oh, next to go is the preamp this summer, any suggestions for that in the 2K range would also be nice (BAT stuff seems pretty nice and reasonable but again I really have no clue. Sorry that was so long.
You have assembled a system that "rocks and rolls," which is good because that matches the music you listen to. I would be very careful to listen to some systems (using your own music) with the cdp coupled directly to the amp before eliminating an active preamp from your system. IMHO you will lose the essence and thrill of your music if you give up an active preamp. That said, I agree with those who said your pre is probably the weak link. I also agree with the excellent cdp choices listed above by Lordgorian. The Cary 306/200 is said to be excellent (but above your price range, even used). The adcom pre suggested is not a bad intermediate step, but others such as the BAT line may do better at taming the SS sound of the system, while preserving the dynamics. Search the archives and read reviews of some preamps and cdp's to get a better idea of where you want to go.
Meridian 508.20 or 24? As mentioned,Cal also reviewed well for rock music by Stereophile. They may be out of business now.
The Cary, Levinson, and Meridian mentioned will work for rock and metal. I've heard them, but not in my system, I haven't heard any of the Thetas, so I can't somment on those.

You might also consider an EVS Millennium DAC 1 ($300-400 used) or Millennium DAC II ($700-850 used) on audiogon. Although discontinued, hand-made in low volumes, and single input - the millennium dacs are excellent for rock and metal. Very fast, tight, articulate, tonal, palpable, etc bass. Lots of good slam. Detailed, but never bright. one of my few complaints of the DAC 1 (which I have) is the center image is shifted slightly forward, ever so slightly. At least more so than I like. I tend to prefer a sound where the center performer is a little farther back. Mucho better than the MSB Link DAC 3 for rock. I throw the millennium out there as a little suggestion even though you are looking a little more upscale.
If you are so lucky to get an EMC-1 for $2k, Go for it!!!:
Would be an absolute bargain and you will be in heaven with its sound.
Contact Ric Schultz at EVS and check out his mods to SACD players. I know he is excited about the Marantz 862.

Electronic Visionary Systems website