transport for Chord DAC64

I'm planning on buying a Chord DAC64 and was wondering if I also needed to get a high end transport or will an average transport (ie < $1000) do? I believe that the 4MB buffer makes the DAC64 less transport dependent.

Thanks for your advice.
I have the DAC 64 and use several transports with it. The main one is the Electrocompaniet player but used as a transport. Greatest sound from this combo. I also use a Pioneer megachanger and it really elevates its capabilities. I also use a Pioneer PDR 05 with great success. It is a stable platter unit which also records. Very similar to the Pioneer 65 player which is also a great transport. The DAC 64 is a great unit and much more money would have to be laid down to better it. Right now it is my favorite DAC.
My experience with the DAC64 was that it sounded great with anything that I used as a transport. It is at its' best with the maximum (four second) buffer engaged.
I agree with the Vecteur 2.2
You cannot beat this transport for the money

I run the DAC64 with a German Audionet Art V2 CD-transport, to good results. When the Audionet was away for a repair,however, I hooked up a ten-year-old T+A CD-player - and was amazed that the difference to the Audionet-supported combination was noticable, but much smaller than I had expected. The Chord lifted the T+A to another league. Otherwise, I second the CEC-transport, older TEAC-models, the T+A transport or the Italian North Star transport, to name but a few. The cable between the transport and the Chord and your preamp is very important, too. I started with a Siltech-cinch, and upgraded to LAT International, with excellent results.