looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.
Levitation cannot isolate a component from airborne sonic attacks. Neither the self generated internal energy nor the airborne disturbances are provided a point of relief. All of this trapped energy will be reamplified. Tom
Anyone toying around with the idea of coupling? Does some of this make sense on paper? Hearing is believing, right? Get on the Starsound Technologies website if you dare. Read some of the white paper. Then, order yourself a platform. Just one for your cdp. Maybe two? Speak to Robert, first hand. He be da man over there. Smart, audio savvy, patient, low key and very patient. They have a FULL money back guarentee. Whattaya gots to lose? I was convinced. I'm coupled now. Hearing is always the deal. All you audiophoolish potential couplers know your systems intimately. Who better then yourselves, to hear if this coupling (jive?) is what Tom and I have been raving about. Try it. You'll thank us later. peace, warren
Rcprince is correct. The KWorks IsobaseKs were the best isolation designs I have heard especially for the money. The bases are designed to reduce vibration instead of the coupling and decoupling devices. The designer offers Power Cords (Empowered Cord), ICs, and other designs that reduce noise and vibration for your system at very reasonable prices, but very effective.

Happy Listening.
Here are brass cones for $19.75:
brass cones from MCM Electronics
bigger picture of cones

If you are going with the transfer method I don't see how four little cones are going to effectively transfer vibrations out of the component. I would think four 3" diameter brass discs would be better. Meaning as much of the case of the component is in contact with the medium which is transferring the vibrations.
Sure four little cones may be the right concept but I don't see them are being the most effective solution. Well, if you can locate the vibration nodes of the component's case and put the cones at those nodes they could work. Stereophile had a good article on this and find where the nodes are. As usual, I can'd find it now. If anyone cares, I will try to find it.
I found an accelerometer for $35:
Stereophile is good for something
In first the February 1991 issue of Voice Coil, then the November issue (footnote 1), Editor Vance Dickason described a low-cost accelerometer made from a strip of the piezoelectric polymer PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) that enables impecunious engineers to get a more objective handle on cabinet problems. Costing just $35 plus shipping (footnote 2), the transducer consists of a 4" by 1" strip of PVDF attached to a small plastic block from which emerges a short pigtail of coaxial cable. The strip is securely taped to the surface to be analyzed; the output can be fed to any of the standard industry measurement systems.

Footnote 2: For further details on this low-cost, $35-plus-S&H, PVDF strip accelerometer, see "High Polymer Piezo Film in Electroacoustical Transducer Applications," AES Preprint 2308, presented at the 79th Audio Engineering Society Convention in New York in October 1985 by Jesse Klapholz. Mr. Klapholz can be contacted at PVDF Transducers, P.O. Box 31718, Philadelphia, PA 19147. Tel: (215) 465-1975. Fax: (215) 336-7743.—John Atkinson