Is less than 24 bits worth it?

I see so many attractive CDP's for sale on this site that have 18 and 20 bit resolution (Naim, Theta, Classe, etc.) Does it make sense to still buy one as a stand alone or should I only consider 24 bit? Thanks for the advice.
Ghostrider45 hit it right on the head. Redbook CD is only good for 16 bit resolution, not 24 bits. I believe higher bit dacs might give better linearity but that's about it. I am of course no expert, others might weigh in. FWIW, I'm listening to a cd player right now that has 20 bit dacs and it sounds awfully good. As they say, "don't beleive the hype".
Ghostrider hit it right on the head. I've seen well known 24 bit DAC's that could only achieve 17 bits of resolution due to circuit lay-out resulting in generation of internal noise. As such, trust your ears and not the marketing hype. Sean
Let me disclose that I'm not an engineer. That said,I'd rather have a good,well made 16 than a 24 that has been rushed to market untested.
With all of the above having been said, what are some reccomendations for a used player in the $1k range? I use a Classe CAP-100 and Spica TC-60's and listen to mostly all kinds of music.
hahah.... looks like Ghostrider said it all and Jond and i were typing the same exact things at the same exact time. Look at our opening lines : ) Sean