SACD 2 channel vs Hybrid SACD

It appears that there are many original SACD players that will not decode the more recent Hybrid SACDs. It seems that almost if not all of the newest titles over the past 6 months are being offered only in hybrid SACD format. Is there any advantage to keeping a player that will only decode 2 channel SACD, that is, will these hybrid SACDs still sound better than Redbook CDs even though they are not being utilized to their full potential? Any knowledge of any outboard Hybrid SACD processors available?
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I don't know where you get your information, but I don't think you have it right. My Sony 777ES, a first generation player, plays the SACD layer of every SACD disk I've fed it, hybrid or not, multi-channel or not, and I've been collecting all of the new classical releases. Your terminology is confusing, too--hybrid generally refers to a dual layer disc, with a CD layer to play on ordinary CD players, and an SACD layer for playing only on SACD players; this has been a big advantage for SACD over DVD-A to this point, that you can buy an SACD and still play the CD layer on your redbook CD player or in your car's CD player. If you're referring to multichannel vs. 2-channel, there is still a two-channel mix on all the SACDs. But in my experience, the older machine does fine at reading all discs, hybrid or single-layer.
Two channel sacd players play all sacd's in two channel...Multichannel sacd players will play multichannel or two channel. All sacd's have two channel mix. You are a little confused it would seem. Hope this helps.

Hybrid means just what Rprince explained: i.e. the disc can be played on a regular redbook CD player, or any SACD player, two channel or multichannel. My beef is that now the damn record companies will ONLY release SACD's that can be mastered from multichannel originals. (70's Quad and newer DSD masters.) This means that the treasure trove of great performances that were recorded in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's will never be released in SACD, and will become ever more difficult to obtain even in CD. This is not progress, it is greed!!!
Irishdog, I could be mistaken but...I thought that multi-channel SACD was only going to be derived from multi-channel sources and 2 channel from 2 channel sources. i.e. not creating multi-channel from 2 channel sources. But I digress, I cant remember where I read this.
Irishdog, that's a good point (although you can have most recordings from the 80's, I am quite certain that early 16 bit pcm digital will not sound any better on SACD); I too am not pleased at what appears to be a complete shift to multichannel, as a lot of fine Telarc DSD recordings which were only recorded in two channel (the Shaw/ASO Dvorak Stabat Mater, the Spano/ASO Sheherazade, the McDuffie/SCO Mendelsohnn/Bruch violin concerti, to name a few) will likely never be released in the SACD format. I recognize that the "hook" to get people to buy SACDs may have to be its multi-channel capabilities; perhaps if that does establish the medium, then the record companies will raid their vaults. I will note, though, that the new upcoming Mercury reissues will mine some great recordings, even though there's only the third/center channel in the multi-channel mix, so maybe there's some hope.