SACD Opinions: Gimmick? Like it? Don't? Why?

I would like to hear some opinions from those who have (or have heard) an SACD cdp in a quality system. I am considering it, but in the area I live its hard to get a good demonstration of it. So before I go out of my way I'm trying to figure out if I even want to bother. I guess I'm a little skeptical.

What sets it apart from regular cd sonically, if anything?

I know it has multi-channel capabilities, but how about standard 2-channel performance? Is it even intended to be used with a 2-channel system?

Does regular cd performance suffer in any way (generally) due to the presence of sacd capabilities?

If you can't really answer the questions above in an "all else equal" sense, and rather "it depends..." then what does it depend upon?
Thanks for any opinions, Jb3
Opps, forgot to mention my speakers are Talon Peregrine X mark IIs on the Nest Stands.
SACD is the real deal. As soon as you listen to a good recording on SACD you will instantly notice that your ears will realax. The tension in the neck is gone replaced by a liquidity that rivals vinyl. Voices are sharper and have more body. Transients explode like the real event. The depth and witdth of the soundstage is expanded. But the one thing that really catches you is that the air around the instruments is unlike any recording on redbook CD. To put it plainly SACD does everything the a regular CD does an order of magnitude better, plus it is much easier to use than vinyl!!

In my system, the most noticeable quality of SACD is a sense of ease, a kind of relaxed sound. Next is smoothness...which could actually be a defect for some people, who prefer a more etched high-end. On better recordings, there is a sense of what I would call 'tonal colour'. Overall, the difference is noticeable but not huge. I'd love to hear one of the top end players, e.g. a Meitner or dCS.
SACD is a definite improvement over redbook cd's. The whole frequency range is clearer, and sounstaging is much larger. However, that being said, there isn't enough software out there for me to go bonkers over SACD. I own a Sony DVP-S9000ES, which serves my DVD as well as SACD needs. You may want to look in this direction. I still prefer my tube cd player over the Sony for regular cd's. In my experiences, I found DVD a good reason to try and enjoy SACD. I cannot recommend a expensive SACD only player, only because of the very limited software choices.

BTW, when I really want to listen for unrivaled musical bliss, I choose LP's.

What else is there now or in the near future? I've heard more than one oversampling dac/player. Some redbook cds sound good to me oversampled, some don't. If I ever buy an oversampler, I want the option of oversampling or not!
I own a Sony SCD-777ES player. It sounds very good on redbook CDs & GREAT on most (not all) of my SACDs.
I have $1427.00 invested in this player. I have heard better redbook players at my local dealer (DCS-$34K, YBA-$8K, Electrocompaniet-$5K).
If something better shows up anywhere near the Sony's price , I'll buy it.
Shane Buettner states in his review of the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista CD/SACD player: "While the upper-end Sony players have been consistently good to excellent SACD players, they are all thoroughly mediocre as CD players".
I say he's full of it! And my fellow local audiophiles agree.
I do believe he's just another video reviewer masquerading as an audiophile.......