Tube DACs

I am looking for a very good tube DAC that will give me the tube mid-range magic (not too much bloom) but that alive sound, with deep bass and a wide soundstage. I tired the Electrocompaniet SS DAC on my Sony SCD-777ES and it threw a very wide soundstage with very deep bass, and great details. I am looking for a DAC that will add some of the tube maigic to the mid range especially for vocals.

I know of the CAL Alpha, Sonic Frontiers and the Audio Logic tube DACs, do you have any experience with these or any others?

Thanks for your input and Happy Listening.
Let me put in a third vote for the Dan Wright mod. The absolute truth mod of my XA-777ES surpassed the performance of my previous Sonic Frontiers P-3.
Although Audio Research is not known for their digital equipment, the DAC 3 MK II is a superlative DAC. It uses 4 6922 tubes and is the best I have had in my system. My dealer loaned me a CD-3 for audition, which bested the DAC 3 in the bass, but not in the mids and highs.
I would highly recommend the Kora Hermes 24/192 or even better, the new Hermes II. I owned the original Hermes (with the Auricaps upgrade) and I now own the Hermes II. Both are amazing and will give you the harmonic richness and midrange liquidity, but they also sound very dynamic, tight on the bottom and smoothly detailed.
I'm sure you would be happy with the Auricapped Hermes, but I think you should try hunting down the Hermes II: it takes all the strengths of the previous model to yet another level of refinement and musicality. Also, it offers practically endless tweaking possibilities: the Hermes II uses either 6922 triodes or, with a different jumper setting allows for using the 12au7 family.
Give it a try!
I've been using a 24/192 Kora Hermes DAC [version 1] for almost two years and am very happy with it.

The qualities Markxiii mentions are what I realized when I replaced my Bel Canto DAC 1.1 with the Kora. The Hermes didn't sacrifice any dynamics, and I gained musical richness and soundstaging dimension.

Being that the Kora uses two 6922 tubes, it has allowed me greater ability to tune the sound according to my changing taste and when I need to equipment match.
This is very interesting, I like the idea of being able to tailor your sound for whatever reasons necessary (although some may disagee in that respect). How this dac would compare to the Audio Aero Prima (dac) and the Audio Logic is what Bigkidz and I would like to know. I was going to post another thread on this, but sheeesh, we're already on topic with this one,...... I hope Bigkidz does not mind me chiming in here !